Consumer Report


I also ordered the free trial, took 14 days to arrive, just rang the uk number and told there is no return policy when I said I wanted to return item unopened, told them I had been reading all the scam reports about them, he said they had tried to take money from my account THREE times already and it is not even the 30 days up yet that they quote, luckily I had seen scam messages and cancelled my bank card in time. He said I could keep product for free and gave me a cancellation code, so lets see if what happens next, I was very forceful on the phone and kept repeating about the scam postings, hope they might have got the message, always cancell your account as quickly as you can after ordering. Will post again if I have any problems to let others know.

Company: Juveneu
Country: USA
Phone: 18668811138
Site: juveneu.com
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Advanced Internal Cleansing Formula Total Cleanse
Will not let you cancel after ordering free trial, the phone number does not work

Rainforestberry, Acaix3
Scam! There is NO "free trial"! They will charge your account!

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Ipoff - took advantage of free trial of Hoodia GordonII - my bank account was billed $108.07 - when I called the company, they told me to return the unopened bottles, but I would NOT receive a refund

Juveneu and Hydroxatone
Consumer Report