Linda Jean Salyers Drake
Linda jean salyers, jean, linda drake, jean drake linda jean salyers drake kidnapper of children, liar, thief, soul destroyer


I, e r. "Rocky" Drake, horribly and sadly, was married to Linda Jean Salyers Drake from 6-3-72 to 1-28-86. Linda was greedy and wanted my father's money. A revolution took place in the 1913. The vast majority of Americans still do not realize, but none of your assets are safe. I also mention the shrink, "dr" Carroll Wright, the sorcerer old immorality {"new age"} sorcerer sodomite shrink who ripped my children away from me. He never apologized nor showed any remorse and I think he has already died in his sins. Linda committed adultery in not being a submissive wife. She called herself a Christian and was her actions, she was submitting herself to satan. She never did what she was asked to do; indeed, did the opposite and stuck up her nose when asked nicely to do something or refrain from evil behavior. She would pout and not communicate. She even committed unbelievable depravity in being rude to my parents when they visited. She put no restraints on the evil desires of her wicked heart and made a total fool of herself while attempting to embarrass me in front of my friends, her acquaintance, my parents and my children.

When Linda divorced me, my so-callled attorney signed over one of my vehicles to my soon to be ex-wife. Linda stole my children from me. The court system of the United States has become out and out nazi Germany and communist China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Cambodia, etc. Linda was thinking about herself. She was not thinking about my children; only about herself. Linda, because of an evil law passed in 1950 by radical feminazis, of which she is, put out a deceitful No Trespass Notice against me. I could walk on my own property nor step inside my own house which was in my name. I could not visit my own children on my own property. Linda was thinking about herself. Every child needs a real {male} father and a female mother. Linda hates my children and was thinking about herself. Because of this most evil law, I was not allowed to live on my own property. Linda chose to deny my children of a father figure. I am a gentleman. Linda chose to deny our children joy and happiness. Linda chose to scorn the love and advice of my loved ones, myself, my pastor, her Sunday school teacher, her friends and acquaintances and friends of the family. Linda should have had me stay in my house with our children. Linda chose to spue out most venomous hate, tension and keep my children in fear.

Linda deprived me of the right to stay with my children, even visit my children and she refused to bring my children to see me. Linda is what is known as a FEMINAZI. Radical feminism. Nazism. Communism. Hatred for god, god's people, the king james bible, father's rights, father is the head of household. Feminazis hate genesis 3:16-19. FEMINAZIS CHOOSE TO HATE AND ATTEMPT TO WIPE OUT THE 12 RULES GOD HAS LAID DOWN FOR A HEALTHY MARRIAGE; HEALTHY FAMILY INSTITUTION, HEALTHY SOCIETY AND PRESERVATION OF CIVILIZATION!!! Linda chose hatred toward GOD; hatred for men; hatred for fathers; hatred for the Institution of the Family; hatred toward co-operation. Linda chose not to speak and even wrote a note "you are to communicate with me only through my attorney". Linda did not say that nor write that when she begged me to marry her. Linda never spoke to me during the divorce nor after the divorce. This indicates venomous hate and abnormality. She calls herself a teacher yet does not communicate!!! She chose to hate my children rather than love them.

I have proof that Linda LIED to my children. She told them that I had threatened her life. That is a LIE LIE LIE. She bore false witness to my children and most probably to others. I am a Christian and PRAYED for her life. She is filled with loathesome hate and is cutting her life short. I prayed for her life so that the children would have a mother as well as a father. She is abominable and a thief { I discovered the whole court system, cps, guardian ad litems, sorcerer shrinks, socialist wreckers and others are anti-family. That is communism!!! }. She is a murderer, liar, fraud, spiteful, slanderer
and a thief. But she is the mother of my children. My children would grieve for the loss of their mother just as they should for their father. I feel that they do not because of the vituperativeness, spite, venom, hate and heinousness of their mother.

Linda, after mopping the kitchen floor, when Jared walked on it, in a fit of temper, threw Jared outside in November, 1984. The temperature outside was 33 degrees. Jared had no overcoat, gloves, cap or any winter clothing on. Linda, it should be noted, was brainwashed in liberal ideas in college. She eagerly and gullibly soaked up sorcerer shrink garbage. She would eagerly endorse the propaganda that enables the public to foolishly support child " protective" "services", which is none of the three! I have done exposes of cps and the fact the government does not solve any problems and perverts everything. No govt agency is going to be Christian. No govt agency is going to do any thing fairly or rightly. Thusly, Linda Jean Salyers Drake supports the evil concepts of cps, another govt agency that has run wild and does countless abuses and injustices daily. Ask those whom have had their children kidnapped by the cps gestapo. Linda Jean Salyers Drake, in supporting evil concepts and evil runaway gestapo government agencies and mass murder, is supporting the kidnapping of my children by the cps gestapo! Had cps found out about Linda's abuse, they would have kidnapped Jared. I live in fear of my grandchildren being kidnapped, which could happen even if you have a copy of the Constitution by your front door, side doors and back doors. Gestapo terror is becoming increasingly well known. It is not only the FBI, the IRS and BATF. Even the U.S. Dept of evil {"education" } has gotten in to the act. These terrorist nazi acts have not and will never be reported by the lying, liberal, eco-terror sodomite press. You have to surf politically incorrect websites and listen to politically incorrect conservative radio to find out. Soon freedom of the press will become a thing of the past. Liberals have been working to annihilate freedom of the press for many years.

Furthermore, Linda stole my golf clubs and everything in my golf addition, she stole my class ring, the materials in my Volaire, my copper tubing, suitcases, bicentennial quarters, the materials in my safe my income tax refunds among other belongings. I left some of my belongings at my house because Linda was to show love and co-operation so that the children would not be tense and so they could have the fullest possible life. She was to make circumstances as close to normal as possible and give my children the Constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness. As a typical feminazi, Linda chose to deprive my children of the richness of having both mother and father. Linda wanted my children to be from a broken home and wanted to impress upon them that it was a broken home. We have all met children from broken homes. NONE of them have been unscarred. Linda chose to scar my children and wound them for life. I left my high school yearbooks, college yearbooks, graduation picture from business school, encyclopediae, valuable books and other matter at my house. Linda chose to abominable put out a No Trespass against me, which she could not do because I did not her; did not threaten to harm her; did not threaten to harm my children; we were still husband and wife so obviously should could do this abomination and crime. She chose to take advantage of an abominable law passed in 1950. Those who proposed and voted for this evil statute should be tried and hanged! As I pointed out, this is my property and it was stolen from under me by the court system. Family law obscenely violates the Constitution of the United States and all property rights of the owner. Don't believe me? You will find out soon enough. I said all this because Linda put out a No Trespass notice against me criminally. I chose not to frighten my children. So I obeyed the abominable notice. A flood hit later that year and my possessions were lost, including old family pictures. Linda didn't have the elementary decency to return to me or give to my father before the flood hit. Linda sold MY golf clubs for $20.00. They were worth at least $3000.00 at the time. MY clubs, golf balls, tees and other items in that golf bag had infinite sentimental value. Linda jean salyers is a thief. She has no feelings for me, my children; the feelings of my family and the good people at the church she was going to at the time. She chose to regard none of the friendly loving advice that good people gave her. She chose only to regard the evildoings of a lawyer and a sorcerer shrink. Sorcerer shrinks can make up total lies, lie, lies to take away all of your constitutional rights. If you are not convinced of this truth, you will be fully convinced of it - probably in the near future. You cannot make a pact with the devil. The devil is your enemy. You cannot make friends with your enemies. Sorcery psychology is not of the lord jesus christ. Hence, sorcery psychology is of the devil. Linda chose to believe all the lies she was told in college. Knowing she was doing evil to me, my children and my loved ones, she chose evil. What ever happened to father's rights. My property rights were completely taken away from me! To this day, justice has not been done to linda, judge jj robinson, "attorney" john bushey, "doctor" carroll wright, and all whom were party to stealing my rights outlined by the constitution of the sovereign, independent republic of the united states of america. No internationa. LAW!!! THE LORD IS SOVEREIGN, NOT NOT NOT THE GOVERNMENT!

Linda thinks that the children belong to the state, in obeisance to sorcery psychology. When we separated and I wanted to see my children, she said "I'm not going to tell you where Andrea is because I don't want you bothering her". What an evil, blasphemous communist, sorcery shrink nazi feminazi liar!!! What a blasphemer!!! She loves the devil and makes satan the father of my children!

When she took Jared to have a cochlear implant at age nine, I traveled to visit Jared. Linda made up a blasphemous LIE and said Jared was squirming and did not like it that I was in the hospital room. Linda called a nurse saying I could only visit my children in the presence of a counselor!!! That is communist feminazi anti-family out and out!!! I am the father, not an unsaved shrink! Not in the presence of a Bible believing pastor, but a sorcerer, criminal, unsaved, old immorality occultic shrink!!! Pond scum feces Linda deserves to be tried, convicted and placed before a firing squad. She is a deep danger to the moral fabric of society. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST CREATED the Family unit; not the devil. The children belong to the parents, both of them - not to the prince of the power of the air! Linda is abominable; a heinous criminal. Linda has no right to marry, bring children in to this world and sue her own husband! She feels she has the right to commit such abominations. She has two "rights": death and judgement -Hebrews 9:27. She has no right to date any one; to marry and to bring children in to this world with such a satan worshipping, satan serving perverted attitude. She is a sodomite sex pervert. For what she deserves, read Leviticus 20:13, Revelation 21:8, Exodus 22:18, etc. Linda
gave away her pervertness on several ocassions. Regarding the Lone Ranger show, she said twice "he had Tonto". She said it twice. Another time, while talking about the God given normaility of a woman being attracted to a man and a man to a woman, she said "happens that way if the mother has more influence". No condemnation of sex perversion. Sex perversion starts with evil thoughts and not asking the Lord to squelch evil thoughts. "I believe a long step toward public morality will be taken when sins are called by their right names." -Billy Sunday

Linda even attempted to throw me in jail. I had the opportunity to tell her what the government does to people. "Government is not the solution. Government is the problem." -Ronald Reagan The division of child support enforcement is a very good example of this truth. Child support enforcement has no right to exist. Child support enforcement is a very good example of government gone wild. Child support enforcement is harassment, extortion and has no no no interest in helping the children. The children are pawns; an excuse used by government to steal, lie, harass and extort the resources of the parent. The evil, sodomite, globalist, liberal press has done a classic deceitful job of brainwashing the public in to thinking that child support enforcement does society good. It does society a great deal of harm to say the least! Do they think money grows on trees? There is no magic way to feed a family, especially since the
globalists have sent American jobs overseas. It is very, very difficult to find a job today. It is next to impossible to launch and keep a business these days due to high taxes and endless government harassment and nitpicking regulation! I wonder how Linda would like it were justice to have been done and I had custody. She is an unfit parent because of her evil ideas which I have aforementioned. Linda thinks government is the solution. I wonder how she would feel were cps to have stolen the children. She supports evil; thus she supports cps. Cps is NOT interested in protecting the children. Cps wants to kidnap children to get more and more Fed funds. Cps will resort to all manner of evil to break up families. They are heavily satan serving; hence haters of GOD. I have numerous examples to prove this. Linda supports nazi Germany. The nazis stole children right from the parents BY FORCE. Communists do the same in the name of innocent sounding names like the farm, children's homes, etc. I educated Linda to the dangers of government regulation. She vilely and noxiously choose to hold her own loathesome, prince of the power of the air evii, warped beliefs.
LINDA CHOOSE TO CRIMINALLY HURT MY CHILDREN, MY ACQUAINTANCES AND MYSELF. When people ask if i see my children regularly, i have to say i do not know where my children are. Linda poisoned my children with lies. When a private found andrea { but lied in saying he could not find jared; he wanted more money}, i visited andrea and she threatened to sue me then slammed the door in my face. THIS IS ALL THE ABOMINAITON AND VENOM OF LINDA.incredibly, Linda has lied to Andrea so evilly, at age 33, Andrea still has yet to ask for my say in all this mess!!!
My writing of this article is not merely to expose what my ex-wife really and truly is, but to teach be careful whom you marry. Here are some helpful tips. I will go in to a great more detail for those who attend my seminars. I will not rest until anti-Constitution family law is constrained to where it should be. Right now, a judge can break up any family and steal any amount of property he evilly desires. The majority of judges have no scruples. A large majority of judges are drunkards. No drunkdard shall inherit the Kingdom of GOD: 1Corinthians 6:9-11.
1- If you catch your girlfriend in a lie, DO NOT MARRY HER. A person who lies cannot be trusted. A liar is a hypocrite. Linda Jean Salyers said "I was born again". But she would always want to get back at people when she {often wrongly} perceived that a wrong was done to her. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us: Matthew 7:9-13.
2- Ask your future wife on several ocassions what her political beliefs, family beliefs are. Sooner or later, her true beliefs will come out.By their fruits, ye shall know them: Matthew 7:16-20. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh: Matthew 12:34.
Be sure your sin will find you out: Numbers 32:23. A man cannot conceal himself. Sooner or later, if your future wife is not right with GOD, it will be plain. You have to be especially careful to ask these questions if she has attended college. There is a reason for the books exposing what you are "taught" {brainwashed with"in college. Most college and university deans and even more university "professors" -Romans 1:22!!! - are totally given to serving satan. That is the truth, like it or not.
3 - It is often difficult to tell if a person is unsaved. Many know the words to say, with the obvious intent to deceive and it is very easy to be deceived if you are not well versed in the King James Bible. If your future wife had no interest in the Word of God; in interest in talking about the Lord; no interest in attending revivals nor church, that is a sure sign that she will follow satan. It is very easy to be deceived if you are a young person. If she shows no sign of being alive spirtitually - loving the things of the Lord, that is a sure sign that she is unsaved.
An unsaved person will do anything. There is the old saying "if a woman will smoke, a woman will drink. And if a woman will drink, that woman will do any thing". This is the truth. But an unsaved woman does NOT have to be a smoker to do anything. My ex-wife would never smoke. But my testimony proves she will do anything. She is a so-called teacher. But Linda Jean Salyers will do anything evil.
4 - Have a long engagement. That way, you have a better opportunity to see if she is telling the truth about being a good, GOD obeying submissive wife. Remember, this is the lord's command: ephesians 5, colossians 3,1timothy 2, titus 2, etc. A WIFE WHO WILL NOT SUBMIT TO HER HUSBAND'S RULE IS A REBEL, AN ANARCHIST AND ANTI-FAMILY! Remember that! Another advantage to a long engagement is to see if she will act respectfully to her future parents-in-law. My ex was lazy. My mother would vacuum the house because she did not keep a clean house and constantly made up lies as to why she wasn't keeping the house clean. She even would leave the dirty dishes for days on end!!!
If she was unhappy about anything, she would sulk and sit in my way when I was attempting to relax and watch football games. She even did such crudeness and rudeness in front of my parents!!! BE CAREFUL WHOM YOU MARRY.
- except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish -luke 13:3,5.
- for godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of, but the sorrow of the world worketh death -2corinthians 7:10
- all we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way, and the lord hath laid upon him the iniquity
of us all -isaiah 53:6
- verily, verily, i say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnaiton; but is passed from death unto life.
For feminazis, sodomites and all who refuse this love from god and being spared from eternity in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death, your fate is revelation 20:11-15. You will do well to read and to read all of the word of god.
Rocky Drake

Company: Linda Jean Salyers Drake
Country: USA
State: Virginia
Address: 6524 MILL CREEK ROAD, ROUTE 3
Phone: 5407785182
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