Smash Clicks
Consumer Report


I ordered online for a trial sample for $5.95 which I was charged - never got the sample and then less than two weeks I got another charge for $91.86.

Company: Smash Clicks
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
ZIP: 33607
Address: 3001 North Rocky Point Drive East, Suite 200
Phone: 8556264648
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Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

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Unauthorized charges

Smash Clicks
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Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

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Charged $5.95 for trial sample, then charged $38.95 for same sample

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Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Charged me for free trial sample, sent another sample and charged credit card before it was even received furthermore to my knowledge all I had requested was a trial sample and did not ask for continu