GodLike GLP Trinity Orwellian Mind Control in Use on Conspiracy Website


The popular conspiracy website, www.godlikeproductions.com uses bans on users that post material that 'they' find objectionable.

This site has all kinds of posts on everything from aliens to moon landing hoax to 9/11 to fukushima conspiracies as well as CIA and other government conspriracies.

When i did a little digging, I found out there are links to think tanks and 'group thought' and they try to divide conspiracies up into a dozen different categories.

Any conspiracy that comes outside of these is either discarded or in my case BANNED.

What was my theory?

That the site itself is run by a thinktank known as the Tavistock Group and that MI6 and the British government use the site to control 'opposition thoughts'

My big complaint is why ban me for making a statement like this?

Is it conspiratorial, YES. Is it offensive or a 'fact', NO. Thus it fits in with the site. However the moderators and moderator handlers have banned me from saying this and then say send cryptic messages like 'you know why we banned you', etc...

This site gets millions of hits a day and over 1 million visitors per day. I find it offensive and yes I was ripped off from putting real content that should not have been banned.

1984 is here in a big way now and it's up to us to fight it.

I am only asking those that view this to stop looking at and contributing to www.godlikeproductions.com becuase of their warped policies of selective information management. It's discusting and pathetic to see civilized society censor free speech on the internet that does not create disruptions or cause panic. This is violation of Civil Liberty!

I merely stated an opinion based on things I have learned and they banned me for life. Pathetic!

Company: GodLikeProductions
Country: USA
Site: godlikeproductions.com
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Godlike Productions
Conspiracy Discussion Forum and Chat Internet

Whoever runs this site is ridiculous

Simon of Mudspace.com
Simon aka simonsdeisel of mudspace.com banned me from my Mudspace account because I sent a Private messege to a friend concerning others that have been banned from the site. You should have some privacy when it comes to messeges to friend

The Truckers Report
Bans The Exchange Of Information Banned me for providing their individuals with a link, as per their posting rules, to information that was pertinent to the topic that was being discussed

Unfair: (

TiVo Community Forum And Store
Banned because of "suspicion" that I am a banned membe

WAM Libel Internet

The Truckers Report
This site bans members, uses IP addresses, reads private messages between members, censors all postings

Chris O'Rorke Banned then banned my IP address for disagreeing with the companies policies as to when they stop making things

The Warped Monkey - theeroticreview.com
Dishonest, abusive, mistreats, favoritism