Flex Seal
Consumer Report


I hung up the phone after giving my shipping address and credit card information but before i could confirm my order with them due to the frustration of the automated voice suggesting different offers. I made it clear that i only wanted the advertised special of $19.99 for two cans of flex seal in my time dealing with the sales hotline. I was never given a confirmation number or even a message that legitimate businesses give that typically say something like, "the amount of $xx. Xx will be charged to your credit card for your purchase of two cans of flex seal delivered to the address given. Is this correct?". Well, two days later my bank sent me my daily statement via text message and i noticed that about $80 was taken out that i don't remember spending. So i drove to my bank to ask where that $80 was spent, and to my surprise, it wasn't on a tank of gas, a dinner at a nice restaurant, or anything i could have expected. It was a pre-authorization debit purchase from my debit card given to SRP Flex Seal on sunday, september eighteenth. I plan on joining this group to raise awareness of this scam. I have already posted the link that this site offers to my facebook to warn all of my friends. I wish the best of luck to all of us who are fighting for justice from this illegitimate business that has taken advantage of us, and undoubtedly many other good, law-abiding, honest americans who are victims of this scam.

Company: Flex Seal
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Oldsmar
ZIP: 34677
Address: 1001 St. Petersburg Dr
Phone: 8003076201
Site: getflexseal.com
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Flex Seal
Consumer Report

Flex Seal
Consumer Report

Flex Seal
Consumer Report

Flex Seal
Consumer Report

Flex Seal
Consumer Report

Flex Seal
Consumer Report

Flex Seal
Consumer Report

Flex Seal
Consumer Report

Flex Seal
Consumer Report

Flex Seal
Consumer Report