Cydor - ripoff


Cede Mile Fataile! One Hundrend Thousand Thank Yous! I've been on several of the bogus style interviews and find it very frustrating and disturbing that companies continue this cattle call practice and advocate free labor and exploting the millions of displaced workers who are sincerely looking for Real Jobs! Thank you so very much for saving me an afternoon. I'm sorry of your negative experiences but please know that you have saved one person from getting sucked into this employers trap. I do question the legal issuses involved in such practices?

Company: Niko-Laos
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: W. Kennedy Blvd
  <     >  


Niko-Laos (aka) Cydcor
Ripoff waste of time Bogus Interview

Niko Laos
TNG Worldwide, Inc. Mislead Me and Encouraged Unethical Behavio

TNG Worldwide, Inc
Formerly nikki laos, niko group, jaime lizotte beware of this companyy... Door to door sales... Swtiched name due to bad publicityy all ciruclated aorund the internet

Niko Laos
Big Liars

Niko Laos Enterprises - Niko-Laos - The Niko Group
Mystery Company Ripoff doesn't discuss anything until you submit your resignation letter, hoping for a better opportunity, and finding out the cruel reality of the business

Niko Laos
If it is a professional company that you are seeking to work for, you may want to think again

Niko-Laos Owned And Operated By Eddie Sardinha And Lisa Walberg
NIKO-LAOS - Liars, and Professionals in misleading people

If your not first you don't count

Niko-Laos, Inc
After being pressured to come interview with no notice at all, I found out this was a minimum-wage job for calling on businesses door to door

Niko-Laos Enterprise - The Niko Group - Cydcor
Ripoff HEY GUYS?