ASN Classifieds - Offering Free Puppy
Consumer Report


We've been looking for a new puppy and responded to a few adds on ASN Classifieds. They all had something similar - needing to give the puppy to a good loving home because they could no longer care for them for one reason or another.

I reached out to: diaz, hall, larry, jessica, charlotte, and amanda.

Some their responses just sounded fishy - or all of a sudden there was a price involved ($160, $200, and $360 are the ones I heard back). I didn't respond. Diaz ( sounded legit in her original email so I answered her questions and asked some of my own. She answered them (though some were a bit iffy - ie telling me my vet could explain the health guarantee and that she didn't want to talk about how she got the puppies because it was too sad) and sent pictures. But now there was a shipping fee for the dogs because she had just moved to Little Rock. I responded that since I already have a dog - I'd rather them meet so I would happily meet her in Little Rock to see the puppy and take it home instead paying for shipping. She started texting me through yahoo - I didn't repsond and sent another email. She asked when I'd like to pick up the puppy and that she'd send her address. I said she could let me know what weekend worked best for her since her work schedule was the issue with keeping the dogs and asked for her address (where we would meet) and phone number. Her response was to call her so we could talk but it was not a local number (not even a US number - it's for Cameroon in Africa) - 01123-7762-79446. I said I wouldn't call an international number. Her response - "Thank you. You don't need the puppy" so sadly my caution that had grown during the communications saying that I didn't believe she really had a puppy have turned out to be true.

I think if anyone falls for these scams on ASN they will send money for shipping and then be sadly disappointed when they do not receive their puppy. Remember - if it sounds too good to be true... It probably is.

Company: ASN Classifieds - Offering Free Puppy
Country: USA
State: California
City: Studio City
ZIP: 91604
Address: 11288 Ventura Blvd. #443b
Phone: 3234175167
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ASN Classifieds - Offering Free Puppy
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