Sams Club
Money taken when it should not have been


June 20
Hello my name is Laurie Gonzales Account Advantage Member Credit. On the friday before the memeriol day weekend I checked my checking Acct. Well I wrote a check to Sam's for 200.00 & my credit is only 600. Well to my SURPRISE Sams Club, not my bank made a HUGE error & TOOK out 2,000.00 dollars out of my bank account. I stayed calm and ask if they could have proof of what they took, soo I did fax them proof that day, then all I get is I'm sorry. Well that isn't good enough for me. I had trip planned for the long Holiday. Not to mention all the bills I had to pay. If they could take it out right then, they should have been able to return into my acct. ASAP: If u look at the records on my account you will see I taked with 5 or 6 Supervisor who would say sorry but there's nothing they can do, but mail me a check of the difference in 7-10 businees days.

Not okay, I could see if it was like $100 error but 1,600.00 is alot, when you had a vacation planned & have bills to pay. I also wasn't pleased how some of the supervisor handle it. After 5 days they said they would FED EX the check. Which they did not I recieved it in the Mail 2 WEEKS Later. I think there should be something done for all the inconvience that was caused not just to me, but also my Children. Please try to find away to make me happy and want to do bussines with Sam's Club again. We have bought alot from Sam's in the past years. Thank you and I hope to hear from someone. 307-631-8746 or Po Box 488 PineBluffs WY 82082.

Company: Sams Club
Country: USA
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