Want Ad Digest
Forcing people to pay to be spammed. Want commision even when there is none


If you put something up for sale on the Want Ad, and get nothing but endless spam and people calling with scams... You still have to give the Want Ad a commission. Even if there was no sale, and no commission to give. If you talk to the Want Ad and try to explain this... They say "that's right". Then they put it into collections and ruin your credit. Rather then apologizing for the bad experience. They can see who contacted you btw.

I did however get some calls... And I always thought it was odd, now i think i get it.
I got a few calls with people saying they would come tomorrow. But they never came. Not one person.
Some people are now telling me that was the Want Ad themselves calling me. That would be the only explanation for those who "claimed" were coming. Of course it's only hearsay... I have no proof although the calls all came from the area where the Want Ad has a location. If in fact it was them, trying to see if the item was still for sale... It raises the question of whether or not they sell contact information in the first place.

I used Want Ad many years ago with no problem. And i payed them. Now it's a attraction for scammers and spammers.
In my opinion, the Want AD themselves are scammers if they want people to give them a commission for no sale. I don't think they understand the word commission. I got $0 for my sale. I'll give them 80%.

Company: Want Ad Digest
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Syracuse/Utica/Rome
Address: Syracuse/Utica/Rome NY
Site: wantaddigest.com
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The Majic Distribution
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Lied about commissions

Ripoff Lied to make a sale. The contract did not match what was said

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Charter Comm
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From the Attic
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