CCA Merchant Card
Major Scam! Beware! Ripped off my bank account so i had to close it!


About 2 months ago i recieved a phone call from a "credit card", wanting to send me info. So i agreed. I recieved a letter in the mail from CCA Merchant Card, saying i was guaranteed a $6000 credit limit for their catalogue.
All it would cost was a "one time processing fee of $299" which would be debited from my account, and i would A) get it back and B) i could cancel at any time.

Foolishly, i agreed, thinking it was something like a few other programs i had already checked out. I set up a later date for the money to come out. Closer to the time it was supposed to be taken out, i realized i wouldnt be able to cover it. So i called them to cancel it.
Naturally, they attempted to talk me out of it. Then they tried to say that i hadnt given them an account number, so how could money come out of my account? Then, when I said THEY called ME initially, the guy basically called me a the meantime I had looked them up online and found numerous complaints that sounded exactly like what was happening. The guy said the call would be taped. I said, good, i prefer that. He launches into his schpiel. I say "i DO NOT want your card. I am EXPRESSLY PROHIBITING you from withdrawing money from my account." he kept just doing the schpiel. So eventually i said "I've been patient. Don't touch my account". And hung up.

Sure enough, on the day, they attempted to collect their $299. Luckily i had drained my account the night before, just to be on the safe side. I talked to the bank manager about getting my $25 nsf fee back, but that was a no-go. I was also told there was nothing they could do to stop further money from being taken without my consent. So i had to close my account, which screwed everything up. I am glad i found this site, so i only lost $25.

I recieve so many phone calls and mail for "free money" "free credit" "gauranteed!" it is UNBELIEVABLE.
Here's a tip: NEVER give out ANY financial info over the phone!
If it sounds too good to be true, it is.
Check out the Federal Citizen Information Center. It will blow your mind, and sound oh-so-familiar! Http://www.pueblo. Gsa. Gov/scamsdesc.htm

What's that latin line? Caveat empor? Buyer beware? Yes!

Company: CCA Merchant Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
Address: PO BOX 46101
Phone: 8002777056
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