Saint Matthew's Churches
Ripoff Sent me the prayer rug, purple book mark, book titled "The Seed Principle"


First I was sent the prayer rug, asking me to send money, then I was sent the purple bookmark asking for more money then I was sent the book titled "The Seed Principle" with statements from individuals claiming to have receive money after proclaiming God as their "Financial Partner".

Company: Saint Matthew's Churches
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Tulsa
Address: P.O. Box 21210
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A prayer, s group or something, saint matthew's churches send me a letter, in the mail back in and they said send it along with your name and problems, you having like sickness and money problems, so i send it in one week late

Saint Matthew's Churches - Prayer by Letters
Saint Matthew's Churches-Prayer by Letters Wanting a "Seed Gift to God's work

Saint Matthew's Churches
Oklahoma And Saint Matthew's Churches Baltimore These people have been frauding us since May. They use prayer request and they tell you to sow a seed and they give you different amounts. Ripoff

Prayer By Letters - Saint Matthew's Churches
Ripoff! Tulsa, Oklahoma

Saint Matthew's Churches
Possible rip-off

Saint Matthew'sChurches
Saint Matthew's Churches Prayer Rug ripoff Prayer By Letters

Prayer By Letters - Saint Matthew's Churches
Prayer By Letters: Saint Matthew's Churches rip-off! They took advantage of my handicapped son

Prayer By Letters - Saint Matthew's Churches
Send fake mails in the name of GOD! Ask donations

Prayer By Letters - Saint Matthews Churches
Prayer By Letters Saint Matthews Churches ripoff

Saint Matthew's Churches
Prayer By Letters promises you Gods blessings if you send a "seed Harvest" donation! They prey on those of us that are God fearing and nieve!