Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report


In the beginning of August I was a bit short of money. I started looking online for pay day advances. I was never granted any money. Stupid me for doing this. I then realized that $99.49 was taken from my account without my authorization. With this withdrawl it caused me many overdraft fees. Now looking at my account they just took another $14.00 for monntly dues. This is robbery and I want my money back plus all my fees. There is no phone number for you to cantact them. I will be closing my account and opening a new one so I can stop any more money from being withdrawn. Something needs to be done with this company. How is it they are still doing this to other people who need a little assistant.

Company: Premier Membership Clubs
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
ZIP: 97208-4120
Address: P.O. Box 4120
Phone: 8183805710
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Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

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Premier Membership Clubs, sp, Savings Pays Club Membership Biggist scam since my computer got hacked. Frauds, thiefs, part of why the poor man is struggling

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Usbank Corp
Outreagous overdraft fees, 8 in less that 24 Hours

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report