FCF*PKL Somna 30 day
Consumer Report


Ordered 30 day supply of Sleeping pills, which was a free trial. The only charge was for shipping. Because the firm was in possesion of credit card, and according their records did not call to stop future shipments, they start charging automatically.

Company: FCF*PKL Somna 30 day
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Chattanooga
ZIP: 37416
Address: BP 3, 4309 Distribution Drive
Phone: 8778693304
Site: somnapure.com
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FCF*PKL Somna 30 day
Consumer Report

Peak Life
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

All Day Slim
All Day Trim Offered free trial with no obligations then today i find a $69.95 charge on my bank card. They make you pay for shipping using your card then they start charging you for additional shipments without Internet

Tri-Slim - Beach Ready
Unsolicited shipments

Peak Life
Somna Pure SomnaPure charges you 4.99 for shipping for a free sample, then charges your credit card again

Extreme AcaiBerry
I sent for the "free trial" offer and was charged 89.31

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Free Trial Rip-Off Internet

Organica Network
NITETRIM ripoff charged my account for product not received