Smash Clicks
Consumer Report


I was to receive at a shipping cost only of 5.95 a product. My credit card was charged this and then a week later a US funds charge for $89.95 (91.76 Cndn) membership fee... I didn't sign up for that!!!

Company: Smash Clicks
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
ZIP: 33607
Address: 3001 North Rocky Point Drive East, Suite 200
Phone: 8556264648
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Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report

Smash Clicks
Consumer Report