Consumer Report

Miscellaneous SCAM!!!

I recently joined a web site for dating with promises of finding the one. Here is what I really found. Lets explore shall we? Older women looking for younger guys, or thats what they want you to think. I signed up for a free membership just to check it out, after all they want $87.00 for a 3 momth membership which is non-refundable and automatically renews every three months. With that you get 500 "credits". It takes 5 credits to flirt with someone, 5 credits to message someone and there are a variety of gifts you can send to another member that cost anywhere from 5 to 30 credits. If another "guest" or a person who doesn't have a full membership sends you a message, yep you guessed it, another 5 credits just to read their message. Oh but wait you only have to do that once for the initial contact then all others are free. So I had these 2 very fine ladies sending me "collect" messages. The lived fairly close and were exactly what I was looking for. So like the eager young man that I am, I joined. I know, $87.00 just for a date... Maybe. I soon realized I was in a very prestigious club being one of maybe three full blown members. I quickly opened my messages to see what they said and it looked promissing to say the least. I promptly replied back, using my newly acquired credits to get something going and within minutes got replies strangely generic but they both wanted to meet up so I was on my way!!! So once again I politely inquired for more information, trying to decide which to choose. Then I began to wait... And wait... Meanwhile I was assaulted with a flood of "guests" flirts and messages that were quickly burning through my precious credits. Thats ok because I still had my 2 ladies in the wings waiting for me. Well I never got another reply from them or from anyone else for that matter. I started getting winks again but from women in other states and countries as well. What could they possible want? They wanted me to pay them to see their web cam. I reported them to customer support and they promptly to action. No big deal, lost some more credits Ill just check their location from now on and not open mail from far away "guests". Dating sites always have a little spam right? I realized that you cant delete a messages that you didn't open. When I stopped opening them I stopped getting them. Hmmmm whats going on here. Seems like everyone only contacts me one time and then disappears. Almost everyone is a "guest" with no credits of their own to use. Most never filled out their profile and the rest didn't even have a picture. Everyone with a picture was a little to pretty for their age and there was a lot of 24 year old "cougars" that love to send flirts but only once. They always seemed to have someone else around to take their picture for them. Then I started looking closely at profiles that were filled out, although not a completely as mine. The hair color didn't match, height, body type, eye color, and some of their ages had to be off by as much as 25 years. Hey!!! These profiles are all fake!!! Well not all. There were a few very ugly and very old and very fat people to choose from but not many. I started to do a little research to see what was the deal. I checked out the "Terms and Conditions" of and guess what I found, and I quote:

E. Market Research

From time to time the Service may include, offer, initiate or send flirts, gifts and/or replies from individuals or programs ("Market Research") for market research and/or customer experience and/or quality control and/or compliance purposes. Market Research information is used to provide analysis, feedback, trends, patterns, social commentary and information in the aggregate and aids in the process of monitoring our system for compliance with our operating standards. Market Research will NOT be conspicuously identified as such. Market Research will NOT be conspicuously identified. We do not guarantee the authenticity of any member using our site. Any interaction or communication with Market Research is independent of, and separate from, our general database of Member's seeking personal or physical or other kinds of encounters or introductions.

VERY tricky reading huh? Basically what it says is, oh ya, there are some fake profiles on here, but they are strictly for "Market research" you know, to monitor our system. Oh and you wont know which ones they are. Really? So they couldn't possibly be the ones that lured me in here or the ones that have be burning through my credits like a drunken sailor. I asked for my money back several times and they politely told me to go pound salt and then stopped responding at all. So here is what you get at, you have been warned and tell your friends, hell, tell fact I want everyone who has ever been ripped off to copy and paste this sucker anywhere you possibly can. See how many people sign up after this floats around the internet for a while. I warned them ;)

Country: USA
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Legit Site, but use with Caution
Fake profiles, fake messages, fake flirts. Pay to read messages

Ashley Madison
Company is a teasing fake
Fake profiles

Ashley Madison
Fake Profiles, tactics for taking your credits
Consumer Report

Market Research
Market Research Reports Online_Aarkstore - Market research reports, global market research, market research consultant

Computers $5.00 laptop Ripoff Scam

Is a ripoff Internet
Thetrafficexplosion As a free member I worked and saved up tens of thousands of ad credits. The original owner promised me that I would get to use the. The new owner doesnt care about the free members. He says I gotta give