09/02/2011 Sem*Budget 13033 Ridgedale 800-4751942 MN
Consumer Report


I recieved a promotion call on 8/14 from the above mentioned enterprize stating they could save me up to 50% on certian purchases along with added security.
They told me to expect an informative statement in my mail w/in 5 days and they would allow me another week to go over the details so I could either accept, or refuse the $29.95 sign-up deal.
In checking my bank account on 09/01 and never recieving the promised promotional litature they promised, I realized they withdrew the above sum with no acknowledgement from them stating they had done so.
I called them at the above phone number on 09/02 and demanded they return my money to my bank account which they posted but held in que and did not deduct from the account.in checking the account on 09/04 it became obvious that they had no intentions to return my funds and compleated the transaction.
To this date, their promised litrature has not arrived and I must cancel my debit card and warn others that come into contact with this enterprize - they are a forgery!

Company: 09/02/2011 Sem*Budget 13033 Ridgedale 800-4751942 MN
Country: USA
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