Lana Group Inc
Consumer Report


I recieved a check in the mail for $985.50 made out to me.
I knew as soon as i saw the postmark that it was some type of scam. The postmark was from canada. I opened the letter and saw the check for $985.50 in my name from a bank in cincinnati, oh.
So i called the number on the letter (903) 923-5464 ext. 204) and told them that i was from the i.R.S. And i was calling on behalf of a check sent to me, and immediately the lady on the other end would not give me any information. She said that i needed to call back on monday. I ask her was this some type of scam and she hung the phone up.
I am from the (streets) and you have got to come better than that - if you think that you can playme!!!

Company: Lana Group Inc
Country: USA
State: ON
City: Vaughan
Address: 575 Drumlin Circle
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Lana Group Inc
Consumer Report

Lana Group Inc
Consumer Report

Lana Group Inc
Consumer Report

Global Financial - America Incorparated
Ripoff scam scam scam scam

Investment Services
Claims that you are the lucky winner of an unclaimed prize of $50.000, FL But Posted In Canada

Shopping Survery Research Organization
Claims to be an Associate of American Research Group survey secret shopper check scam

Lana Group Inc
Consumer Report

Lana Marks
Biggest joke of an interview in my 15 years as a professional

Lana Group Inc
Consumer Report

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Consumer Report