Consumer Report


Promise to work online paid 290 pounds to days ago for the elite program, next day i had call from the business consultant in the states andtold to maximize income i need to enrole on the advertising campaign, have live 1-2-1 traininig to maximize income with i need to make a payment of 3050 pounds, and within couple of hours the my own website will be up and running.
I google the company next morning i found out lots of people was scammed the same way, i am a one parent with 3 children who self harm, and are bipolar, stuggling to make ends meet, that was my only savings i had

Country: USA
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Consumer Report

Deceptive Company

Type International
They say that they gurantee an income. They rip you off. They are a scam

Freedomomcs (Freedom Subscription)
I went to the bank to get gas money and found freedomcs had withdrew 49.95 from my account. I work for walmart and barely make enough to make ends meet for me and my children

Hcg Elite
Good job HCG Elite!
Consumer Report
Online scam

Internet Advancement
Ripoff they told me it wold maximize online sales and marketing with in a month

Fast Google Income
FastGoogleIncome $3 s&h BEWARE $84.79 Magicash

Online income solution
Home wealth solution, home website builders, home income system They promise a kit for 19.97: you get nothing! No phone # to call! No Customer Srvc.!