Consumer Report


I checked my emails and found one from this rip off merchant saying they were debiting my account for 39.95. Have never heard of the company, never heard of the product and never given them or anyone else my authority to access my account. Spoke with the bank and the 39.95 is on hold. I can't do anything until this company takes it from my account and then I have to fight them to get it back. They can't be contacted on the phone number or email that is listed. I have had to change ALL my banking so that it doesn't happen next month. I really feel for all of you experiencing the same thing. It is very frustrating.

Company: PunitronHelp.com
Country: USA
City: Nicosia
Address: 77 Strovolou Ave., Center Office 204
Phone: 8008826119
Site: punitronhelp.com
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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Aol America On Line
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing Internet

888-403-4051 -FundGrant
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One Click Cash
Never even heard of them until i saw money taken from my bank ripoff

Cash Net 500
I have never heard of this company until i saw them on my bank statement illegally taking money from me ripoff internet

Consumer Report

Your Savings Club
Never heard of company and is debiting $1 every month from my account. When called they say the account was closed in Oct. 2007

USA Credit
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Herbal Mind
Fraudulant billing On Line internet