People's Baptist Church
Pastor Ed cowger, his family Abuse of money, double standards


The People's Baptist Church and the Roloff Homes was founded by Lester Roloff over 50 years ago. The man had godly convictions and would never compromise. Today the ministry is being Pastored by Ed Cowger. The Church recently had a split because the Pastor's family, son Rick, daughter Rachel, her husband Tim, daughter Rebekah, and the Pastor's wife Mary Ann have runned the place into ground. The Pastor's family runs on the property unchecked and are sinful. The Pastor's wife is the biggest gossiper on the farm and has no respect from anyone in the Church. She was accused of sexual advacement toward a former employee 3-4 years ago.

The son and daughters are the most sinful worldly people you can meet and the Church itself is so carnal. The Pastor has two sets of standards, one for his family and the other for members, and the homes. There suppose to help people come off addictions, yet feed their addictions. The ladies (if you want to call them at) in the Jubilee are allowed to take pills everyday from the pharmacy. Yet they tell Churches whom they ask for money that their program is not rehabs or pills.

Men in the Lighthouse Homes huff brake fluid, chew snuff. Men or woman who "graduate" the homes are allowed to stay if they want, and end up smoking, watch porn, drink, all under the Churche's nose. The Pastor's daughter Rachel who was overseeing the woman's home was allowing the woman internet access, caffene (forbidding according to the rules since it feeds addiction) posting inappropiate pictures on Facebook, and watching R-rated movies in the dorm. Pastor was made aware of all this and refused to do anything. Many have complained about his family and wife and he still refused to do anything.

They tried to vote him out and he rigged the voting system to stay, allowing non-members to vote, under age teens to vote, and he and his wife voted, all which goes against the Church constitution. The Pastor falsey accused Church members of "secret meetings" which later turned out to be false. The Pastor's family retaliated against the Associate Pastor for removing the Pastor's daughter because of derilect of duty. They used Facebook to say nasty things and lies and the Pastor refused to say anything about or do anything. The Pastor is the only one that has access to a $2 million dollar trust without any accountablity. The Pastor asked a staff member to forge signatures on State documants in which the wife of the person complained, the Pastor recinded.

I can go on and on, I call on Churches not to send support to the People's Baptist Church and the Roloff Homes. I hope all who read this would send this to other Indpendent Fundamental Baptist Churches, whom they draw support. Hold them accountable. The ones who tried to hold them accountable, the Pastor and his wicked family, were all kicked off the property, when the "vote" went the Pastor's way. The Pastor's family are all liars, and the Pastor is full of double standards. I challenge all to call them out on this and don't send any support until the Pastor and his lying family are removed.

Company: People's Baptist Church
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Corpus Christi
Address: 1355 Old Brownsville Rd
Phone: 3618521155
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