Safeguard Properties LLC
Use Your Head


I have been a contractor for 5 years with Safeguard and recently had my account replaced with no notice. Use your head when dealing with them. It is true they will give you all the work you need for inspections for $3-$5. After doing the math times at least 1,000 orders you may say "WOW" i can do this. But here are the plain facts. The amount of time spent at a property is worth far more than the low rate. You will only yield 5-10 houses per hr, and that is not counting uploading time. They are ripping inspectors off. They will send you late work that should be paid as rushes but are paid at regular rate and you do not get the 5 day turn around as discussed when you sign the paperwork. And the late work is counted against your on-time percentage in which they use to evaluate a inspectors performance. (They think you are a machine). They assign you more work than you are humanily possible to perform due in one day. You may say "Hire Subs", it is not worth it. Why should you deal with the headaches of subing work out. Enableing Mr. Safeguard to make more money without him managing the suncontractors and you end up with the problems the sub creates plus your own for $3 per house! Not worth it!

Your job ends up being more than just a visual inspection. That's the scam, "All we need you to do is to take photo's and answer a few questions." You end up being held responsible for things that are out of your control in the fight between Safeguard and the banks. At the end of the day, you the inspector are charged back for damages and all sorts of other things that the banks should be paying for. Your $3 report will turn into thousands of dollars of charg bebacks!!!

They ask you to get "Errors and Ommissions Insurance" to cover your mistakes. What ends of happening is; Safeguard will tell you that the banks are concern with a particular issue at a property and YOU the inspector needs to prove them wrong or you will be charged back! The bank will just refuse to pay safeguard or file a claim against them, so Safeguard will just charge you back without using your insurance. Because the insurance only pays third party claims, and the claim is now you and Safeguard: YOU the inspector get the honors of paying for the quarrel.

The whole industry needs to be brought to light to the media, news, talk shows, so that some of these illegial practices by companies such as Safeguard gets notice.

Whether a contractor or inspector has done everything wrong or right, the bottom line is. You are fighting a losing battle before you even start! And are just another victim waiting to get it! They drop contractors as if it is nothing and pick up who's next in line when it is convenient. Beware!!!

Company: Safeguard Properties LLC
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Valleyview
Address: 7887 Safeguard Circle Valleyview, OH
Phone: 8008528306
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