Consumer Report


Tried to talk with customer service about charge to my cc. Customer service rep became nasty, then i asked for supervisor. It is unbelieveable the lengths to which this company will go to. I was threatened, bullied, intimidated. Was told the would take legal action if i went on the internet or contested with cc company. Supervisor told me i was a "professional advantage taker of free products". Company has no policy of good-will toward its customers. They tape every call. I insisted on listening to one. Didn't hear beginning of the tape, but they have me asking for the instructions on how to use the products with the Neu Science products, since both were advertized together, with a woman claiming "miraculous results" when both lines used together. NO reply to that request on earlier call to them. False advertising. They have me on tape expressing my concern about this. Neu science was wonderful when i contested the charge. They just put a supervisor on the phone with me and it was taken care of. No problems. No threats, etc. Auravie, however, has serious problems. Any company that reacts so violently to a request for a refund has to be questioned. They would not tell me which Better Business Bureau they were in good standing with. Beware of auravie. As the saying goes, THEY DOTH PROTEST TOO HARD. I will be doing further investigations with the FTC, California Corporation Commission, consumer protection agencies, addition to this site i have found another one with complaints about them. Will keep looking. Encourage others to do so, as well

Country: USA
State: California
City: Van Nuys
ZIP: 91406
Address: 7900 Gloria Ave
Phone: 8889972941, 8662169336
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