Safety Pro, Inc
Consumer Report


I seen this penny saver ad yesterday that said coorporation hiring no experience necessary free training make up to 700/wk. I have been looking for work for a few months already so i thought its worth the try. I called and asked what position was available they told me managment. All they asked for was my name and number and today me i had an interview today at 11. So i was like well ill go check it out. When i got there they handed me this application with some questions that literaly told you what they wanted you to answer. There were 4 other people there. Once we finished filling out the application this lady walks in explaining what the company is about shows us a map of how many offices they have and a viedo of this house burning. When its done she was done she gave a brief presentation of there products. Than she went on talking about if you get hired today your gonna have to come to training which consist of 5 steps and in one of the steps you have to sell $3000 of merchandise but she says it just part of the training so when you get in your office you can train your people. They tell you if hired today you can pick what city you want your office to be. Once shes done with that they start to call you one by one into a different office they give you this lil speach that sound so great they ask you a few questions than the lady tells you well i think you are capable of this job i want to hire you. Than they start to tell how you need to take chances. And than that you have to give $60 for a background check. Like a moran i paid the $60 i was super excited i didnt even think how wierd it was for them to charge you up front than she told me when you come to training you will have to buy a kit for $99 than you will be given your office. So i was on my way home when i was actually thinking and the emotion was gone that is sounded like total b.S. So i got home did some research and seen how many ppl have been scamed as well. Dont fall for saftey pro inc they are liars and scam you from your money. Also in the recepit they give you from the background check it says that once you sell the 3000 of merchandise you MIGHT be a canidate for the position of managment. Its all FAKE FAKE FAKE. Dont fall for them. Dont waste your money on this company. I called to get my money back and they denied me. I am also worried because they have a copy of my i. D and my social security they wont give it back to me. What if they steal my identity. They are scamers i wouldnt doubt they would do such a thing.

Company: Safety Pro, Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: Corona
ZIP: 92880
Address: 2469 Pomona Rd. Suite #101
Phone: 9512730240
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Advanced Safety Solutions - Mike Jenkins - Jamie Jenkins - Mr. M
Advanced Safety Solutions - Mike Jenkins - Jamie Jenkins - Mr. M Are At It Again ripoff

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Consumer Report

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Safety Pro, Inc
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