Tagged, Facebook
Consumer Report


A consenting adult webcam encounter was secretly recorded by the extorting party. After gaining my confidence over a few weeks I eventually added her to my facebook account. She started adding my friends and I confronted her about it. I googled her name and the top hit came up on the scammer's list. Ricadel Pimentel. I posted the link to her and she became very agressive. She then threatened to post the video she had recorded on youtube and send a link to my friends who she had befriended unless I "settled with her. I refused and she posted the video of me naked and masturbating to a number of my friends. The police couldn't do anything about it. She also operates under the names of Angel Passos and Aengel Canon.

Company: Tagged, Facebook
Country: USA
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Ricadel Pimentel
Consumer Report

Ricadel Pimentel
Consumer Report

Kellen Flores aka Ricadel Pimental
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Badis tikoudan
Previously i already made a complaint about tis man. Now i found his real facebook and i hope wat he did to other girls he will get punishment by tarcing his id an real location from facebook constantine

Facebook Friends Policy

Is a rip off

April Mendoza
Consumer Report

What kind of people are running the facebook admin if they discriminate against a person for having too many friends? Internet

Cyber sex constantine