Chef Basket
Consumer Report


I did not order this item. It came to my house, after being charged to my card. I did not not ever hear of or order it! Plus they had the address slightly off. Now I have to mail it back to get my refund. I have no idea how it happened—what sleazes.

Company: Chef Basket
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Fairfield
ZIP: 07004
Address: 79 Two Bridges Road
Phone: 9732445521
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Chef Basket
Consumer Report

Tel*Chef Basket
Consumer Report

Chef Basket
Consumer Report

Telebrands Chef Basket
Ordered one basket for the promotional $14.99 offer, but was charged for 2 orders at $19.98 ea. Extra Unrequested Items

Chef Basket
Consumer Report

Chef Basket
They way overcharged for shipping

Chef Basket
Consumer Report

Chef Basket
Consumer Report

Chef Basket
Consumer Report

Chef Basket
No Delivery