Consumer Report


They reposessed my Motorhome for a contracted price of $500 then held it hostage due to "extenuating" circumstances and a charge of $20,000.00. Motorhome has been hidden and Bank has filed forclosure and I was screwed

Company: Repo-Zone
Country: USA
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Rick Green Don Hall ICU British Columbia Rip-off artist's

Veurinks' RV Center
Veurinks RV Center Veurinks' RV Grand Rapids took my $1000.00 deposit and sold the unit to someone else after they had a customer that would pay more

GET RV inc
Consumer Report

City Of Garland
Bitching at the again? You bet! It stinks to high heaven out here!

Repo Zone
Consumer Report

Dometic Corp
Rip off

Alan Vigil Ford-Joey Goodson
FRAUD over charge and did not repair my motorhome

Choice One RV
Consumer Report

Mark Erjavec
Meseba Finance, Night Heron Group Mortgage fraud, Con man, BEWARE
Consumer Report