Unknown Claimed Ownership of Address
Consumer Report


Contacted a individual about renting a home only to find out it was not the home owner.

We started by looking on Trulia for homes for rent and this one came in at a good price so we first tried to call and the number did not work. The I emailed with the contact link in Trulia. He responded back to me with the name of the Realtor agent that is selling the home. As we worked out the details of possible agreement we started to get confused since the home is furnished yet he has been in London for the last month. After we had worked out how we are to get payment to him and get the keys since he was claiming he had the keys with him in London. Asked again to see the home and he told us to walk buy he will send us keys once we made deposit. We still have not completed the transaction yet.

Company: Unknown Claimed Ownership of Address
Country: USA
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