Brent Ivie
Consumer Report


Perpetual Green’s patented funding scam methodology is a lie and a scam
Brent Ivie lies about having patented funding methodology.US Patent Office has no record of a patent for this Green Equity Claim. The FTC dose not allow companies to make claims of having issued patents for promoting products. Beware if you are an investor since there is no Intellectual Property ownership of any kind. Do not fall for the lies of patent ownership and 50% savings on you energy bill if this was true Brent Ivie solved the energy crisis all by himself.
If you are a early investor or customer please file a report with the http://www.FTC. GOV and your local FBI office to stop the Perpetual scams.

Company: Brent Ivie
Country: USA
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Perpetual Green
Consumer Report

Perpetual Green
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