Lexington Capital Trust
Consumer Report


I applied for a 5,000.00 loan through this bank. The branch employee who called me was michael rogers at 1-877-619-6996 ext. 821. The website he emailed me was lexingtontrust.net it states Lexington Capital Trust is the leading Loan Brokerage Firm in America. My email advised Congratulations, we have recently reviewed your loan application and it has been fully approved by Lexington Capital Trust. Our mission is to seek out the best possible loan offers for our clients of various levels of credit history. We do so by filtering your application through our network of investors worldwide. Your loan has been approved by one of our private investors for the amount of $5000.00. This loan is being offered under a secured basis at a fixed APR of 8% for 48 months. The monthly payment will be $121.76. All secured loans require a format of collateral.in this case you will need to provide a security deposit consisting of the first 7 months of monthly payments totaling the sum of $852.32. The entire sum of this collateral payment will be applied directly towards the principal of this loan and will not act as a fee in any way. Thissecurity deposit releases your $5,000.00 loan. Once the loan has been secured, you will receive your loan by direct deposit into your desired bank account within 1 business day. Due to your security deposit you will be payment free for the first 7 months. Therefore, your first monthly payment will not be due until 7 months time, beginning on march 1. I was asked to western union the funds to the broker in canada who was backing the loan. I was asked twice to secure 2 different collateral deposits for a promise for loan to be released. I sent money in minutes as instructed by michael rogers. I signed all forms whioch looked very legal and real and speaking to this Senior loans Officer Client care and support for Lexington Capital Trust, 55 Ivan Allen jr. Blvd, Atlanta, GA 30308 branch # 1-877-619-6996 ext 821 and 388. Fax # 1-404-448-3969. I called branhc on 7-13-11 7-14-11 where i forwarded the second security deposit 800 plus 66 fee for western union. 2 different western union trans actions totalling $ 1732.00 bank hours are from 8 am -7pm E.S. T i was told to check bank account at 12 and then 5 pm and nothing. When i spoke to Michael he said let me go down stairs to accounting and see why the money wasn transferred. He said he would call me back he never did. I tried calling ten times and nothing. I then found out i d been taken by scammers. My finacee checked on line and found they been stealing and scamming lots of people. I hope justice is served and that they all get arrested and i get my money back. I used my rent money and put other obligations on hold which no will screw me financially. This is my first time in my 37 yrs I got conned and it hurts. My name is chris Kane my email address is (Personal Info Removed) I hope to here back from someone out there looking to put this company and everyone involved behind bars and i get my money back. Thank you for reading this... Watch out and be careful out there. This world is a very terrible place.

Company: Lexington Capital Trust
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
ZIP: 30308
Address: 55 Ivan Allen Jr Blvd
Phone: 0017604297584
Site: lexingtontrust.net
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