The Digital Hunte
Consumer Report


Terrible experience. After placing an order for a Nikon D5100 a person called me claiming that it was in Japanese only that I had to take the USA model because the other one was all in Japanese (menus and manual), he claimed that I had to buy the battery and charger on top of the body and that was true if I bought it anywhere, even at B&H, Bestbuy or any other reputable store. I had to agree because I'd have no use of a body in Japanese. After 15 minutes this gave me such a bad feeling that I called back to cancel. They said yes, but call in 30 minutes because the person who takes the cancellations is in a meeting. Ha ha. When I get the person 30 minutes later (over 1 hr after sending my order via the internet) he says, there is no way you can cancel, your order has been processed and we'll charge you fees if you do so. That Night I called my credit card company who said that they could see the charge but couldn't place a dispute until the charge posted, that I had to make sure my order was cancelled. Next day, I call the Digital Hunter to make sure the order has been cancelled. We got into an argument because they wouldn't want to cancel the order until I mentioned that I had called the credit card to put a dispute on the payment. The person said that the product was on it's way and I had no way to cancel. I said it's not possible, I placed the order yesterday and the confirmation e-mail said that I'd receive the product 20 days later. Of course this was a lie. When I said that I was supposed to receive an e-mail to confirm that the product had been shipped and I had not received such e-mail, that meant the product had not been shipped. He (Josh) couldn't argue that. He said, OK, I'll cancel the order and it will cost you 400 USD to cancel. I said, no worries, I already have a dispute with the credit card. He said, if you do so I will send you to the "correctionals" to which I responded "you are threatening me and this only gives me more arguments to dispute your order" He got extremely aggressive and never sent any cancellation e-mail. I am working with my credit card company to stop the payment to these scammers

Company: The Digital Hunte
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Hollywood
ZIP: 33024
Address: Address Not Yet on File
Phone: 9547441565
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Universal Cellular
Ripoff implied fast and Quality Repair service for cell phones

Dell Computer Corporation
Ripoff Available 24x7x365

Body Lean
Product never arrived. Would not cancel charges

Mbna America
Cheap excuses to reduce credit line and increase interest rate on card., DE

Billed for item which was never received

Nathans Natural
Consumer Report

Digital Depot Online
Consumer Report
Real Rip-off company, don't give them your credit card number or you will have to cancel

Apollo Insurance Company
No responsibility on ice

Wachovia Bank
Scam and fraud!