Dr. Madison Price of Heaven Sent Gifts
Consumer Report


Seems like I got the same story as otherpeople. That a certain lady friend would come calling on a certain day and no matter what I was to say no to her. After I sent Ms. Price $25 she said she would make my dearest wish come true with the help of the Angels and with a tiny rock that I paid $25 for a tigers eye which I have plenty of already and mine are alot bigger. I've been reading about psychic scam artists, I believe this lady is definitely ONE! In my past I have used Maria Duval that's one L not 2 someone is out there using and defecting Maria's good name she is real. When I received this crap from Madisom Price then asking me for $50 to continue the ritual to make my dearest wish come true I knew it was BS. These people are money hungry and feeding off of the poor like myself. The truth is we all have alittle psychic ability in us it's just comes down to learning how to use it. Read books, have a positive attitude, believe in GOD and pray for what you want he will give it to you if you just believe in him and not MAN!!! And believe in yourself don't take advantage of others as these false profits do. They will pay dearly when their day comes. Read the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and may GOD BLESS US ALL

Company: Dr. Madison Price of Heaven Sent Gifts
Country: USA
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Heaven Sent Gifts
Dr. Madison Price They were TRYING to buy me into trusting their psychic reading to thier so said Millionaire Make

Maria Duval Psychic
Psychic Maria Duval scam artist

Maria Duval

Dr. Madison Price of Heaven Sent Gifts
Consumer Report

Madison Price/Heaven Sent Gifts
Consumer Report

Maria Duval Psychic
Many Maria Duval has been ripping people off for decades, milions of complaints, sold company to chinese in 1997 with client personal informaton worldwide, owned by chinese

Maria Duval

Destiny Research Center/Maria Duval
Duped again, "good luck", should have known better

Psychic Maria Duval
Ripoff she did not refund my money that was to be refuned!

Heaven sent gifts, Dr. Madison Price
Consumer Report