E-470 Express Toll
Express toll collection scam


I am a single mother Making 34k a year... According to Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP I am responsible for a 12,000.00 bill. Not twelve hundred, twelve thousand. Yesterday was your average day until i received a call asking that i set up a payment arrangement for $850.00 per month. Ha. I had to laugh as they nonchalantly requested that we set up a payment arrangement. Yeah, i have a spare 850.00 per month to fork over for the next 2 years... Not. The man stated that they have been sending statements to "said" address... The address he read is where my mother lives. I certainly would have received any mail at this address. I quickly hung up with the "attorneys office" (AKA call center) and called E-470. E470 told me that the 12,000.00 is for 641.00 from 2009 in tolls. They placed me on hold and got back on the line telling me "this is a one time offer, you have until 7PM today to pay 1,490.00 to avoid it going to the courts the next day". At this point I am in panic mode, I currently have 24.00 until payday. I made 6 phone calls yesterday and NEVER was transferred to a supervisor like i asked each call. On one specific call i told the lady "m'am may I please speak to an E-470 supervisor, i do NOT want the collection agency" she replied yes and told me to hold. Only to transfer me to Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson. I was also promised that a detailed report would be emailed or faxed to me by the end of business. Nothing. I have "settled" with E470 today for the amount of 1,490.00 in which i have had to take payday advances on.in order to fulfill E470's outrageous settlement plan of a one time payment I will be paying the next year of my life on payday loans in the amount of 2,349.00 (includes interest). Had E470 not needed their precious money the SAME DAY i wouldn't be in complete debt for the next year. Customer Service does not exist with these guys. The "civil penalty" charges are absolutely out of control as well as completely misdirecting peoples bills, Yet claiming they have been sent. Do I have some imaginary address that i don't know about? If they truly sent my bills to the address they have on file then i would have known about this in 2009. My mother lives at the address stated, how could this go missed E470? Is this legal?!??? I thought e-470 got their hands slapped in 2010 for outrageous penalties. I was thanking god i was not one of those people, silly me. Do not use E-470. Their system is a scam, my hard earned money will be tied up for a year now but believe me, I will not pay this without sending a formal complaint to ROR, Hickenloopers office, the better Business Bureau & E470 CEO. I hope everyone takes the time to write a complaint.

Company: E-470 Express Toll
Country: USA
Address: 22470 E. 6th Parkway, Suite 110
Phone: 3035373470
Site: exprestoll.com
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Linebarger Googan Blair & Sampson, LLP
Never recieving a BILL from E470 BUT a FINAL notice from LINEBARGER

E-470 Toll Road
Actively abusing the public for unethical gains

Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP
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E470 Express Toll
Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson Trying to steal money, Bait and Switch, Con Jo

E470 Express Toll & Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP
Money Grubbing Thieves That Do Nothing to Earn Their Money

E470 Express Toll & Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP
E470 Express Toll, Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLC Criminals & Liars!

Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP
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E470 Express Toll bad business
E-470 tollway Bad business