Shopping Date Inc
Consumer Report


I received a check from shopping data inc. They sent me 2000 dollars my fist assignment was to deposit the check and withdraw the money i was then asked to use 1500 of if to western union it to a made up name in london uk i also did that i sent them the receipt and shopped at kmart and jcpenny and also 180 was my pay my bank called me to inform me of the fraudulent check when i tried to call the company back they would hangup not answer and now im short 2thousand dollars please be aware of this company they are scam artist and will scam you i promise you

Company: Shopping Date Inc
Country: USA
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Shopping Date Inc
Fake Check Scam

Mystery Shopping, Market Research, Securities, training&consulting
They will send you a check for $3,995 and a breakdown of what to do $450.00 for u, funds for shopping$100.00, $290.00 for western union and $3,155.00 to be sent to them... They wnat the check to depo

Shopping Data Inc
Consumer Report

Consumers Survey Research Organization
Jocelyn Roy, Andrew Mason Scam

Opinions Inc. Solutions
Consumer Report

Lonestar Foxhall Research Group
Sylvia Galdon, Mary Brown, Amanda Hayes, Mark Green Freeman G. Carter Counterfeit check fraud: Mystery Shopping Job Offer, Cross-Border scam, Evaluating the service of Western Union

Jeffery Lawson
Consumer Report

Gwinnett Intl. Group, Inc
Gwinnett Intl. - Farmers Market, Inc. A check sent to me which was to be deposited now. Then I was to send money Western Union or Moneygram

Direct MOnitoring & Research Group
Management Data System Intern., Inc. A "Want To Be" Mystery Shopper Scamme

RS Consulting Group
Consumer Report