National Platinum
Consumer Report


The company took 99.95 out of my account without my knowing they said i appliedfor there card but i didn't i called them and talked to a memebership customer services and she said called me to see if i wanted it i told her no and got mad and hung up on me i told them to cancel or iam going to the police to c can i get my refund because dont kno one go into your account without your permission

Company: National Platinum
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Carson City
ZIP: 89706
Address: 2533 North Carson Street, Suite 5541
Phone: 7758417314
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National Platinum
They took money out of my bank with out me even knowing it. As far as i know i was looking for a payday loan

National Platinum
National Platinum fraud just, try to cancel be careful have no idea how I got an account with them, but they debit my account every month

Platinum Trust Card
Called me, I told them I was Not interested and hung up. They still took the money out of my account. I called them and found out that there are only two people that work there

Memberservicesusa, national Platinum, charge it
Memberservicesusa, national Platinum member services usa, national Platinum, charge it Major Ripoff Beware Don't Let This happen To You!

Low Pay Card
I wanted to order a card, was told how much it was wanted to cancel, got hung up on

National Platinum
Illegally took $ 99.00 from my checking account—went on web to see if i can get cash before payday—on the the quick cash web—i was asked to sign for this—national platinum— to get my money - bex

Usa Credit
Usa platinum credit card, ripoff i was harrassed when i tried to cancel my memebership

Consumer Credit Services aka CCS aka Credit Service Division aka First National Credit
Ripoff Consumer fraud

First National Card Took my money and my account info without permission, etc

National Platinum
Rip Off Connected with Loan Application w Misleading sign-up-procedures via