Consumer Report


I got redirect to survey form to receive a free macbook pro. I was then forced through 20 plus surveys all of which auto filled out most info for me. The surveys asked increasingly personal information. I was bounced from site to site. One of which was
http://www1. Myfreebrandrewards.com/CpaWallPage. Aspx? G=e9347c1d7d5c47ad80756dd067af3b26&se=03
Until the final screen i got to told me i had to sign up for 2 paid services to claim my prize.
I received 4 spam emails and im now getting phone calls to the number i gave.

Company: T-Questionaire.com
Country: USA
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Express Paid Surveys

Paidexpressions.com, Paidexpressions, Paid Expressions
Is not worth your time! Internet nationwide

Iap-interactive.com, Global Ipsos Group Unpaid Surveys

Did 9 surveys they said they would pay me 20.00 and never did emailed them 6 times no response

Data Processors.org
They took my upgrade fee

Paidonlinesurveyscam.info-watch.com, Highest Pay Surveys, Survey Absolute, Survey Scout, Paid Survey
Paidonlinesurveyscam.info-watch.com, Highestpaysurveys, Surveyabsolute, Surveyscout, paidonlinesurveyscam.info-watch.com, Highest Pay Surveys, Survey Absolute, Survey Scout, Paid Survey don't trust the report of paidonlinesurveyscam.info-watch.com

Survey Spot
No contact, no credits and crazy-making questions on survey

Consumer Report

Vindale Research

Easy Paid Surveys
EasyPaidSurveys very deceiving, ripoff, waste of time and money, scam artists