Grace Sadona"Spiritual Psychic Healer"
Consumer Report


She sure was clever in designing her site. She has emblem from the BBB, the psychics association, even one that says 100% money back guarantee!

Here is how she works:

She talks very nicely and says she has powers and can help you with anything. She's very good at getting people to trust her. ONE GREAT CON-ARTIST!

She promises that she charges a one time fee - but after she receives that money she starts asking for thousands of dollars and she doesn't stop until she has gotten as much as she possibly can, then SHE SUDDENLY STOPS ANSWERING YOUR CALLS.

By the time you realize she's not going to do ANYTHING she promised, you are out a lot of money which adds to the already desperate feelings you are experiencing.

She takes advantage of people's misfortunes, when they are at their lowest and kicks them down some more when they are at the lowest points in their lives.

She has the compassion of a bulldozer and when all else fails she'll try to intimidate you.

She puts her staff up to lying to prospective clients.

Such people should not be allowed to stay in business and should be persecuted.

Company: Grace Sadona"Spiritual Psychic Healer"
Country: USA
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Spiritual Healer Grace This woman has great talent for extorting large sums of money! Once she gets it, she will not answer her phone

Grace Sadona"Spiritual Psychic Healer"
Consumer Report
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