Archie Quintana
Archie Ignacio Quintana bully criminal sociopath


Ladies, beware of this obese, overfat 53 year-old rich Cuban spoiled brat who lives in Miami. He is a sharp manipulator who charms his way into women thru lying, cheating, deceiving, & misleading.

The stats: he has been married several times, has multiple children & has had multiple arrests. He also dates multiple women, just enough to get the sheets wet, and then he's out!

He is irresponsible with money and even more so with women as he refuses to use protection. He also has a hidden past that we still dont know too much about (see his mugshot attached).

But we DO know that he drinks too much, used to use cocaine, and is verbally & PHYSICALLY violent with women. It is reported that he beat one of his ex-wives.

This man is very shady; having no permanent home, no driver's license, and only pays for everything with cash, at many of South Beach's popular bars & restaurants, where he lives and works.

Company: Archie Quintana
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami Beach
Phone: 3053056822
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