Dana Lawrence
Miranda matthews con artist, credit card fraud child endangerment and child abuse


I want to make clear that I am not a victim only because I had no money but she did get to my heart and also her daughter Kennedy Mancini (niece) which I have learned it was not her real name of course another victim of Dana.

I met her not long a go and as everybody would say she was charming, helpfull great education and the best friend any girl could dream off.

Her story here in South Florida goes back to last year but she moved to Boston for a short period of time because of a great job, she claimed she was a Graduate from harvard law school and things did not work out, she married a man call Jonathan Bent a lawyer in Boston but she moved back to Miami, Florida to get away from him and had the marriage anuled.

She was the aunt of Kennedy Mancini. She was giving costudy of Kennedy after her father died in 2006 since her mother died of cancer in 2003 if I remember correctly (her sister), She was born and raised in New York city and of course she talks about her family been rich and not wanting nothing to do with her. Also talked about the trust Kennedy had.

She open a charity here in miami with several people she met years a go and some new people. Their names are todd from Florida, Chris from New York and some ladies that fell for her lies which I do not kow the names but there were several ladies. Out of this men I do not know who are good or who are bad. She wears a NY blue cap dark glasses even at night, blue jeans and shirts she has reddish curly hair, white fair skin and a big broken nose wacth out South Beach.

She has been abusing her daughter by taking her since 2006 runnig and lying everywhere she went also by making her daughter lie to everyone and in Miami was even worse because Dana had to change her story and to all Miranda's Matthews friends here in miami Kennedy Mancini was her niece and her mother died of cancer and that Dana Lawrence was her good aunt Miranda Matthews not her mother.
Kennedy herself told this story with such a convicing manner that am scared what would Kennedy be in the future if she does not get the proper help and I dont stop wondering if it's too late now.

Where are the authorities how is it possible for this criminal to get away by been on the run for so long with her daughter kennedy and taking victims a long the way... Be ware please and if you can do something or if you know where she is now call the police am sure i will if i ever see her again.

Company: Dana Lawrence
Country: USA
State: Florida
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