Southeastern High School, Miramar, FL
Offered a high school diploma that isn't accredited by the U.S. Military and places of employment


Southeastern High School of Mirimar, FL offered services to earn an accredited high school diploma. The diploma, however, is one that is not recognized by employers nor the United State's government and military.

The received diploma is close in similarity to a real diploma, in terms of appearance, but is not, in itself, a federally recognized document. The services offered by the school are those needed to pass a common GED test including: studying materials, a multi-subject test, and proper fees for the books and documentation.

Upon passing of the given test, a plaque documenting proper certification is shipped via U.S. Mail to the "new graduate." When referencing to this document, however, in both places of employment and at military recruiting stations, the diploma is not accepted.By colleges and other technical schools of study, the diploma is termed unaccredited and therefore can be deemed fraudulous.

Thanks for delaying the future defence of our country!!!

Company: Southeastern High School, Miramar, FL
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miramar
Address: 3241 Executive Way
Phone: 18776983540
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Southeastern High School
Need to know if their high diploma is really real or a fraud

SouthEastern High School Miriam, Fl
Orida I Had receive my diploma from Southeastern in April. An I tried to get in a local college and a online School and they told me that it's not accredited. The online school said that from there beh unworthy

Southeastern High School
Diploma program, Home School, "get your DIPLOMA in your own time" lied, false advertisement, ripped off, decieved, dissimulated

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Jefferson high school online diploma that charges 200 dollars to take the test is a scam there is nothing u can do with the diploma it is useless no school will except you but who does that New jersey

Pcdi, James Madison High School
Was told by company that the high school diploma was real and fully accredited by many places

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