Imbalanced: big time


For one thing I can tell you is that it is one of the rare dating sites that posts in a profile of a lady ethnicity as a qualifying factor for being with someone and not qualities of one's character. One can find over 80% to 90% of profiles as such on the site. According to my discussions with this site's own customer service representative due to this occurrence it takes longer for a nonwhite man (Asian, Indian and African in origin) to find a good lady on the site and hence for the low success rate that this site has had with these types of gentlemen. Thus the site involuntarily discriminates against nonwhite men on the basis of time because longer delays occur in locating that particular individual one wants to locate and I have termed this ethnic backwardness as the site also is clearly demonstrating who its target ethnic market audience really is! There is also an agreement that one cannot post anything negative afterwards about the site once one ceases to be a member.in other words freedom of self expression is muzzled. The ethnic composition of its advertisments are one sided. The disadvanatages sometimes outweigh the advantages and although it is referred to as a top rated site financialwise ethically it falls far below its actual rating!

Company: ElenasModels.com
Country: USA
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Elena's Models (www.elenasmodels.com)
Elena's Models Discriminiation and Prejudice against Nonwhite men Queensland

Elena Petrova/Solomon (12simplerules.com)
12 simple rules e-book Discrimination, One-sided, Ethnically Backward

One-sided ethnic picture and Price Trickery

Price Tricks, Poor Scaamer Detection and One-sided Ethnic Idea

Elena's Models (www.elenasmodels.com)
Elena's Models Racism of Elena's Models

Elena Gold
Discriminator and Evil Racist, Queensland

Heavenly Hearts Hardheaded and Ethnically Ridiculous Queensland

Ethnically Ridiculous, Scammers, Customer Service at Times not Efficient

How To Find and Marry a Girl Like Me
Not well balanced at all
