Department Of Law and Investigation
America Legal Services and ACS INC. Contact names of Josh Matthews, Mac Dawson and Frank Anderson Calling me and harrasing me about a loan I never received


I started recieving calls from a Josh Matthews with America Legal Services out of Los Angeles, CA. I did a check on line and got an address for them on McCallister St with a 94102 zipcode. They said I was being contatced because of a debt owed to Cash Advance USA. I never recieved a loan from them, but he had important information of mine like social security, address and work.

I had contacted him and told him that I never received anything from them. He kept telling me, well MR. Xxxxxxxx how did I get your information if you never received a loan from them. I said I didn't know and have you heard of ID theft. I hung up on him and he stopped calling.

In december of last year I got calls from Mac Dawson with ACS INC out of New York, NY. They had even contacted my mom trying to find me. I got tired of dealing with this and paid them the $300.00 they said I owed just to get them out of my life. I know stupid me, but with all the information they had and the fact they contacted my mom, I thought it was the best thing to do.

Then yesterday 5-16-11 I started getting calls from Frank Anderson with the Department of Law and Investigation. They number comes back to Galveston, TX. I called this guy back to find out why they were calling me and again saying I owed money to Cash Advance USA. I explained that it was already paid and he said if it was already paid, then why did they contact us to get there money from you.

I am tired of these guys from India or where ever they are from calling me and harrassing me.

Company: Department Of Law and Investigation
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Galveston
Address: Galveston, tx
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American Legal Services
Harrassing Phone Calls

Cash Advance USA
Fraud, scam

Cash advance usa
Stated I am being arrested and taked to court for a loan I never recieved. Even called my job and told my boss they were going to arrest me. Then hung up the phone The person

Alex White - Department of Law and Investigation
Called saying I was under investigation for a debt owed and gave last 4 digits of my sun due to a cash advance loan

Department of Law Investigation
Foreign people calling about a Federally Regulated Dept of the United States Government

Cash advance

Law Investigation department
Cash at once? Called me on my cell wanting money for a payday loan i never requested or received. Threatening me with jail time if i didnt pay! When i tried to explain to him he must have the wrong person

Consumer Report

Robert Matthews
Department of Crime Investigation Says their is a legal action being taken against me because of bank fraud, but wont give company address. Keeps threatening me and my employer

Law Office of James Parker
Legal Department of Cash Advance, Cash Advance Scammer Beware!