Stanford Whos Who
Whos Who Directory Hitting New Zealanders


I am just another almost-sucker who brought into the spin that I had legitimately been nominated to go in the 'prestigious Stanford Whos Who directory' which would provide unbelievable benefits to me and my business.

Due to the very effective questioning by the telemarketer and the constant back patting my ego blew out of all proportions as I told them of my great achievements and plan for future accomplishments winning both national and international recruitment tenders and growing our presence.

Then of course I started to pick up that this actually wasn't a interview for an award at all but a telemarketing exercise and that to get all this fanfare I would need to pay to be in a directory.

So thats all good - advertising, marketing and brand awareness are all important when you want to establish yourself as a leading New Zealand Recruitment Agency and of course you usually need to pay something!

But they started off quoting around US$900 - it was a very easy decision to say no to that and quite amusing to see how quickly they came down to US$99 - okay we could cosider this but first would need to see some marketing collateral and what I'm buying into - and there is absolutely no way I would ever pay anything by credit card over the phone to an unknown company in another country - let alone one who has already told me they won't send a receipt for two months!

So I asked for an email and phone number and website and said that I would look into it - I was then informed they would put my listing up anyway. After everything I have now read I am very concerned they will keep haranguing me.

It really seems a shame as if they didn't charge so much, conducted themselves as a reputable company with proper charging processes and lost the telemarketing pushy sales pitch it would have looked like a good thing to be involved in!

Company: Stanford Whos Who
Country: USA
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Stanford Who's Who
Consumer Report

Stanford Who's Who
DD Squared Sham

National Business Directories Corporation
Offered to list my company in its "Directory, " w/out mention any charge for the listing — Only theat the directory was "FREE." Now I've been billed $199.00 for the "inclusion!"

Stanford Who's Who
Deceptive way to sell advertising and waste your time

Infomatika Publications
Deceptive company, called for address verification, now billing us for directory we did not order. They are scam con artists

The Global Directory Of Who's Who
Dishonest sales practice and Charging of products not ordered ripoff

Distribution of Opportunities, Johnson's Distribution
Ripoff Indianapolis

Stanford Who's Who
Consumer Report

Stanford Who's Who
Joining Whos Who

Yellow Pages Directories
Just got my new business phone number and got a final notice letter for directory listing