Taco Bell
False Advertising


When ordering food at any fast food restaurant, burger king and taco bell in particular, you look at this picture of the item and see everything stacked high and hanging out, then you get the item and it looks like someone ran over it with a truck. I asked the counter person at Taco Bell if I could get one that looked like the picture, dumbfounded, she called back to the manager and said "he wants one that looks like the picture", after a slight hesatation she said "give him a free coke."

So they all know it won't look right when you get it. I talked with the mgr. Of Burger King this morning and he said he is not responsible for the pictures issued by the corporate office. I asked if it wasn't his obligation to make it look like the picture, case at hand, the BK stacker picture shows the burger a quarter of an inch out side the bun and bacon covering the top, the one I got appeared to be nothing but bun, after opening it I saw one slice of bacon cut in half and child menu burger in the middle. He made no apologies and said he is just a franchise and is not responsible for the pictures that the corporate office sends. If I ran my business like that I would be out of business in no time. It seems that nobody cares that they are being lied to about what they are buying at fast food restaurants.

Company: Taco Bell
Country: USA
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