Realty Properties
Realty Trade We were pomised that we would be able to get 30,000 for our timeshare. Timeshare would be bundled for investors. Never happened


I was told that I could get $30,000 for my timeshare. It would be bundled for sale at a trade show, for an investor. I don't think that they even hold trade show. It all sounded good - to good to be true. I guess. Adrianna Fasano told me that this property would go quick!!! Not true

I stayed in constant contact checking in every week for updates. It always sounded like a script, it never changed. I told the company that I was not happy and wanted a refund, in several phone conversation. I tried to resolve it with the company. Then I went to my credit company and disputed the charge. It was recharged back onto my account. Not happy! They used another companies credit card machine. A little fishy! I called the number and was told a different company owns the number.

I have drastically reduced the sale price, because I am now stuck paying for this awful service. I don't know if you can call it service. They don't answer, return call or e-mails. The last time they did this they blamed there phone service. They were having phone problems. It is just a poor excuse for doing business. I have been trying to reach Realty properties for the past week. No response. More phone trouble??? 04/07/11-04/14/11

I was also put into there VIP program-at no cost. The email stated that they would keep me updated every 2-3 weeks, an employee would call me. Never happened. The e-mail was sent by a Mark Stevens, Director of Marketing. Lots of blank promises.

This company is built on lies, misrepresentation and scripted responses. If you can even reach them at all. How can you sell timeshare this way? Not answering calls.

Please don't sink your hard earned money into this company. This is a scam!!!

Company: Realty Properties
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orland
Address: 3208 Colonial Dr
Phone: 18669982707426
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