Michael dizon
Katrina gomez, a lady asked me to get verificatoin id for her safty before we met payed $308 did not get verification


I met a lady on benaughty after a while she asked me to met her but first i had to get verification id as to my carrector staeting i was not a criminal. I was asked to make a donation to a charity in the phlipines of $100 whic i did throught western unoin i got reply back saying i nedd to send another $50 which after some perswytion from the lady. Then i was asked to send $100 because thy had to get verification from australia which i did. Then i was asked for anothe $50 to activate verification which idid that was three days ago now thy are not repling to eny of my emails. The money was sent via weston union to katrina gomez philipinesi, have all copies of transactions whith western unoin. I have requested a full refuned

Company: Michael dizon
Country: USA
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