Logic Security Group
De-Lotto Switzerland Sweepstakes Cashier's Check for $4,989 drawn off JPMorgan Chase - looks authentic! - required to pay $2,987 for Government Tax


We received a letter from “Logic Security Group” dated March 4 announcing that we were winners of the “De-Lotto Switzerland Sweepstakes” held on January, 5.
Of course we know it is a scam, but I was concerned that the check they provided was not like the others we have received in the past drawn off of foreign or unknown banks we've never heard of before. This was a Cashier's Check ($4,989.00), from CHASE with the drawer name as: JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. The Remitter was identified as David Coleman, whose signature appears, with title as Senior Vice President.
It might appear very authentic to some people. If you have an address for Chase Bank, I want to forward them the letter & check to their fraud department. Pleae email me the address at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your services!

Company: Logic Security Group
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 1059 Leamington Spa
Phone: 011447758611798
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Paul Crave email: plcrave5@gmail.com
Consumer Report

First American Title Insurance Co
Sent fake check in the amount of $4,867.00 drawn on JPMorgan Chase Bank (looks very real Ripoff

Gateway Evaluation Service
Received bogus check. Asked to cash check and send to bogus relative in Canada. Rchmond Hill Ontario, Canada

Chase Bank Chicago
Greedy Bank - Charges $ to cash a check drawn on them

Martin Lawson Promotion manager
Shannon Daley tax agent, winning final notification, 50,000 US Dollars, Enclosed check for $2435.00, Government taxes, tax to be paid directly to tax agent

ACM/FCRC 2011 4665 Nautilus CT, Boulder, CO 80301
Consumer Report

Gulfstream Financial Lotto Switzerland Sweepstakes
Gulfstream Financial ripofrf Lotto Switzerland Sweepstakes so called lotto sends counterfeit checks

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A
Chase Custom Finance Unauthorized credit check

Chase Home Finance
Chase Mortgage, JP Morgan Chase & Co., JP Morgan Chase refused short-refi into no-payment reverse mortgage! Selling home at auction!

Skyline international group and sweepstakes claim deptartment
Consumer Report