Tupper Lake
Summary of recent Tupper reports truthness


I decided to show how screwed up Tupper Lake, Ny is by making a list of the recent reports, and how valid each our. (I just started with one of the most recent stories and worked back. No particular order) I believe over 75% of these reports ARE TRUE. Enjoy! But first...

As a FORMER resident of Tupper Lake, I have experienced the town, and the people. And one thing is for sure, Tupper Lake is very backwards. Don't get me wrong, their are some nice, normal people. But not many at all. When you think of New York, you think of the City, not Junkyville.

1. Tom Fee (Corrupt cop, Bribes People, Thinks he is the greatest, Kicking people off of benches). Now I never came into encounter with Fee before, but for the most part its false. He is one of the few good cops in Tupper, (even though most of the other cops on the force hate him). The kid on the bench was probably smoking pot or it was pass town curfew. Yeah he like most Tupper Lakers have people they hate and people they dont like.

2. Tupper Lake Power - Yes this is absolutely true... Tupper Lake power is absolutly shitty. People expect a power outage whenever it rains... Or a snowstorm hits. They might as well just be Amish.

3. Amanda Steen - I'm not sure. Didn't know her. Sounds like something that could be true. The report about her has evidence (pictures in the report), so it could or could not be true.

4. Billie Jo Pickering - I feel rearly bad for her, I knew her a little bit. Yes she did crush some guy to death, but it was a freak accident if you believe it or not.

5. Panther Mountain Pavers— Not true, The guy that wrote that report is just money hungry.

6. Frank Wilcox - no idea either. The guy who wrote the report must know him, if he knows about any type of list.

7. Chanell Fournier - 100% TRUE. Everyone knows about her. She is having another baby soon, and she will probably abuse that one too. She is defintly white trash. I don't know how she could get her kid back

8. Nancy Staves & Walt Christy - This is an unbelievable story, and also 100% true. I dont know either of them. She looks like a big slut. And he has cheated on his wife many many times. She even threw her stepson out of the house and on the streets. My daughter went to school with her stepson, and he told her everything. Used to be something different daily.

9. Karen Dolosh - If she is meeting some guy from Libya I don't blame her. Just look at what she can choose from in Tupper! But a funny story either way.

10. Jack Delehanty - No matter what a this guy does it doesnt seem like anyone appreciates it. I feel bad for him but dont know how valid this story was.

11. TLPD - I don't blame them for anything. They have to deal with the people of Tupper which is a job and a half itself. Yeah some coruption probably goes on, but so doesn't it in every town and city.

12. Cory Harrison - Don't know this kid. He DID break into a house in early 2003. The funny part was that somebody was home when it happened, and he was easily busted.

13. Sunmount - I just find it funny that a mental institute is in Tupper Lake. HMM wonder why. Yeah a lot of crazy things happen there, but I guess thats why those people are there.

14. Erin Vailliancourt - LOL she does think her job is serious. Managing a Nice N' Easy isn't that much, but in tupper it's a "real" job.

15. Amanda McCauley - Heard a rumor about her, but it was only a rumor. Many of the younger tupper women hang around with teenage guys.

16. Mark Dewyea - LOL nice picture of him. I believe some of this the report is true, but not all of it, blown out of reaity.

17. Jamie Sears - Suprise, suprise a tupper lake teenage drugie. Don't know the kid... But many of the kids in tupper are like him.

18. The long list of corruption - many of the examples are true

19. Dick Sapone - 100% true. He did molest his daughter when she was younger. The elementary school hired him. Great people running the schools aren't they.

20. Polly Garvey - Very true. Nasty looking slut. I'd like to know what happened to them. A lot of affairs happen in Tupper

21. History Museum - Just what tupper needs lol. Nobody could care less about one, their is a lot more that tupper needs then a crappy museum.

22. Mcdonalds - Have heard the owner is a major asshole. But what do you expect from mcdonalds. One of the managers doesn't even speak english that well.

22. Jim Eggsware - This family has had rumored problems... Some of this might be true, but not exactly sure.

23. Kim Burnham - A few of the men she was with have been in jail.

Im only on page 3!!! GLAD TO BE OUT OF TUPPER. Worse 9 years of my life.

24. White Birch - Decent restaurant, just sounds like someone is holding a grudge

Sarasota, Florida

Company: Tupper Lake
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Tupper Lake
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Tupper Lake
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