

We went to shoe dept and wrote a check for $103.00 our checking account has over $20,000.00 in our account. When we called Certgy after being on hold for 45 minutes we get a young man that said there was no negative info on our account but our check was denied for identity theft purposes. They had all our info. I think Certgy is stealing peoples info and using it to steal money. They treat everyone like were thieves.

Company: Certgy
Country: USA
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Check Cashing Machine

Certgy Payment - VW Of Bayside NY
VW refuses personal check based on Certgy Payment Company, a FRAUD

Withholding attempted identity theft info and banned me from paypal

Easy Saver
Unlawfully and without my consent withdrew money out of my checking account via my check & cash card. I don't even know who they are & never authorized or even provided my bank card info & am very violated & need to know where they got this info from

American Leisure MD - EZ Saver
Unlawfully and without my consent withdrew money out of my checking account via my check & cash card. I don't even know who they are & never authorized or even provided my bank card info & am very violated & need to know where they got this info from

Declined Check

Low Pay
Identity thief company used my name and my neighbors bank account. I barely know the dude! Los Angeles Internet

Identity Theft Protection - ID Theft Protection - Last Chance Cash Advanced - idprocs.com - TrifectaCard
Identity Theft Protection - ID Theft Protection/Last Chance Cash Advance/www.idprocs.com/TrifectaCard ID theft unautorized debit out of my checking account

USA Credit
Ripoff stealing info to rip people off Uniontown Pennsylvania

LowPay Card
Stealing money from my bank account!