Fun Trivia Fun Trivia


I have noted several issues with the "good" folks at FUNTRIVIA. Firstly, (and most importently) and for no known or apparent reason, they suspended my account. I had only been a member for about a week and I tried very hard to conduct myself with respect for other players and authors of quizzes. And I have dedicated numerous hours to taking quizzes. But recently, when I went to sign-on for more trivia fun, my account had been suspended and no reason was given. I find this kind of treatment very disrespectful and disappointing. But let's be realistic here for a moment. The folks at FUNTRIVIA are not in the relationship building business, are they? They are in one business and one business only... And that is to make money. You see, I was allowed to play for FREE for a (unspecified) time but never joined up monetarily. And NOW, I am glad I had the foresight not to rush into paying them any money for their "GOLD Membership". What a crock of bulls* this really is. From some of the reviews I have been reading, and including the very lengthy documentation regarding "rules and regulations" on their site, FUNTRIVIA have people over a barrel. They are only in it for the money, but do not disclose that to members in the unbelievably wordy and very lengthy "disclosure" statement. Yes, it is ALL about the money. They will let you play for FREE for a limited (and unspecified) time, and if you do not ante-up, your membership will be "discontinued" without any kind of warning or notice. And that's not very nice of them. I am absolutely ECSTATIC that I discovered just how these people operate before I gave them any of my hard-earned money and risking future, unauthorized credit card charges. I would have been FURIOUS had I paid for the hallowed "GOLD" membership and had something like this happen. I repeat, "WHAT A CROCK OF SH*T" this operation really is. FUNTRIVIA encourages people to spend valuable time submitting questions and creating quizzes so that they can harvest them and add them to their "library" of questions already harvested from unsuspecting participants in the past. So they take advantage of you (screw you) in TWO different ways. First, they want you to pay for their GOLD membership. And Second, they harvest all of your questions and quizzes for use on their website (using YOUR work for THEIR monetary gain). It's called FRAUD, folks. They want YOU to do the work, and PAY them to do so. And when they get bored or tired of you (for whatever willy nilly reason) or if they do not see the promise of profiting from you, they simply pull the plug on you... And POOF... You're gone. Gonzo... Done... OUT OF THE PICTURE!!! It is for this reason, and this reason only, that I am damned glad that I did not relinquish any of my hard-earned money to these "frauds". FUNTRIVIA are no different than the many other money driven, discourteous, disrespectful, and fraudulent websites on the internet today. Let me tell you, folks... They will take your money and leave you hanging with nothing to show for it (except for the memory and sick feeling about having wasted so many hours doing something you thought was enjoyable and productive. Wake up folks — they are here to rip you off! Take my advice... Don't be a victim like I was. And if you are thinking of joining I would advise against it. I have also read stories from others who have "unwittingly" given these crooks their credit card information to purchase the vaunted "GOLD" membership. And once they were ready to quit, suspend their membership, not play any more, discontinue playing, etc., the fine folks at still continued to charge their credit card on an annual basis even though they had discontinued their membership. So FUNTRIVIA has everyone over a barrel because they can (1) charge your card whenever they want, (2) suspend you whenever they want, (3) suspend you without cause or reason, (4) they remain behind a curtain of privacy and concealment so that once you are suspended, you can not communicate with them. So basically, members or game participants have absolutely NO RIGHTS. Basically, FUNTRIVIA only want folks who they find to be "useful" to them. YOU are NOT useful if you don't pay to play, or if you do not submit questions or quizzes to add to the hallowed FUNTRIVIA library. They consider folks who do not contribute either money or questions to be "dead weight". And they are not in the business of carrying folks whom they deem to be dead weight, are they? Therefore, once your FREE TRIAL period is over, you become "persona non grata" and they give you the boot. It's that simple. Why would I refer anyone to a site who treats people in this manner? Correct... I would not do so. And now, I am so thankful that I did not divulge my credit card to these money grabbing imposters. I hope you have the good sense to not fall victim to their scam. I was lucky, but others about whom I have read have not been so. It just irks me to no end that these a*holes hide behind a cloak of secrecy, where they do not have to directly relate to or explain anything to anyone. They are both vial and pompous because they think they have something that people want badly enough to pay money for (hence, they are motivated by money). And as they hide behind their website's cloak of secrecy, they operate like they can treat people with disrespect and disdain... All without repercussion. So, if you like playing online trivia, I recommend that you look elsewhere because there are many other choices out there. Do not risk being treated as I and others have been.

Country: USA
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FunTrivia Quizzes - Join for free but get stuck after time elapses
They will definitely rip you off!

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