Teleflora Flowers


I'm so angry with Teleflora! This is my first time using them. And will NEVER use them again! Terrible, terrible, terrible experience!!! I was so embarressed that my mother received such an insulting arrangement!!! This company is absolutely horrible... Do not and i repeat do not order from them. Worst customer service, it seems to be a scam, highly priced arrangments never delivered, could not get hold of the local florist is the excuse presneted by the phone rep.

Company: Teleflora Flowers
Country: USA
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Teleflora Partners Order Online for Mother's Day

Teleflora Flowers
Worst customer service ever - MOTHERS DAY FLOWERS

Teleflora Flowers
Terrible! Do not use teleflora! - Floral Arrangement

Teleflora Flowers
Do NOT order from Teleflora

Horrible Experience with Teleflora

Teleflora Flowers
Worst teleflora experience ever

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Teleflora Ex-Wire Service

Teleflora Flowers
Do not use teleflora

Teleflora Flowers
WONDERFUL - Delivered By Sebring Florist